Secretary of State for Education
United Kingdom
National Commission for Mass Literacy, Adult and Non-Formal Education Nigeria
Michael Crawford
Lead Education Specialist, GEDDR
The World Bank
(By Invitation)
Sheriff Christopher R. Swanson Founder & Presenter
• Jonathan Douglas – Chief Executive Officer, National Literacy Trust (UK) • KPMG (UK) - Discussant - TBD • Mark Vineis – Chief Executive Officer, ProLiteracy Worldwide (USA) • Denine Torr – Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility & Philanthropy, Dollar General (USA)
(Representatives from TikTok, Amazon, Microsoft)
Closing Keynote
FORMAL DINNER, Musical/Cultural Performance, Balliol Chapel
The World Literacy Summit is an Initiative of the World Literacy Foundation, a global nonprofit organisation that works to ensure every young individual regardless of geographic location has the opportunity to acquire literacy and reading skills to reach their full potential, succeed at school and beyond.
Know more about The World Literacy Foundation at
225 – 46 Eversholt Street
London NW1 1DA
United Kingdom