Curriculum Director of English
Hayley Robathan is Curriculum Director of English at UTC Derby Pride Park school. She has been teaching English for 25 years. Hayley was one of the first teachers in England to switch from teaching a canonical novel at GCSE to Malorie Blackman’s novel Boys Don’t Cry on the Lit in Colour Pioneers Pilot programme from Pearson and Penguin Books in 2021.
This Lit in Colour panel will explore the latest research published by the education focused social impact campaign from Penguin in September 2024 that is titled ‘The effect of studying a text by a author of colour – The Lit in Colour Pioneers Pilot’. Commissioned by Pearson and Penguin in collaboration with the Department of Education at the University of Oxford and the Runnymede Trust, this research proves the positive outcomes for students when systemic barriers of Time, Money, Teacher Confidence and Subject Knowledge are removed, and they are given access to study texts by authors of colour. The Lit in Colour Pioneers Pilot research is unique in the UK and is an important contribution to knowledge on this topic as it builds the case for meaningfully including texts by authors of colour in the study of English Literature. Join panellists as they present and discuss the context of the pilot activity, key research findings, reflections from a teacher and year 11 student from a Lit in Colour Pioneer school, and what this research could mean for the future of English Literature teaching and learning.